Everyone makes mistakes, and being charged with a DWI is an offense that comes with serious consequences. In the weeks and months to come, you will be facing fines, possible jail time, and the scrutiny of the judicial system. Facing this situation alone not only increases your chances of maximum penalties, but it also minimizes the possibility of the submission of evidence that can result in the case being thrown out completely.
Fines Add Up
If convicted, the fines associated with a DWI can quickly add up. Aside from having to pay for court costs and other associated fees, you will likely have to take expensive classes, have an interlock ignition device installed on your vehicle, and miss time from work. While it does require an initial investment to hire the services of an experienced attorney, you will quickly realize how much you can save by utilizing their services.
Pre-Trial Conferences
Your DWI attorney has a lot to offer, and one often overlooked service is assistance during pre-trial conferences. These meetings are held to submit evidence and information before the case even goes to trial, and, in many situations, charges can be dropped during this time.
Your Record Counts
Having a DWI conviction on your background record can be embarrassing and even cost you the loss of certain job opportunities. If you have recently been charged, the best time to contact an experienced DWI attorney is now in order to minimize or even eliminate the devastating consequences.